πŸ’—Upgrade your stage

BEBE needs Glittering Elixir to advance to the next stage.

Fill the Growth Bar through gameplay

Both Stage 1 and Stage 2 have three Growth Bars (gauges) required for development. You must fill these three bars for each stage to progress to the next.

In the specially designed games for each stage, winning accumulates points in the Growth Bars when you emerge victorious. However, the score gained for each bar varies depending on the game. Each bar has its own favorable game, so strategic play and careful calculation are essential for success.


BEBE believes in the power of a good meal for growth. Both Stage 1 and Stage 2 favor the fishing game to boost BEBE's stamina. So, reel in those victories for a well-fed and thriving BEBE!


Luck is a crucial companion for BEBE as it navigates through life's unexpected twists. In both Stage 1 and Stage 2, the rock-paper-scissors game is where BEBE's luck shines. Make those strategic choices and let luck be on your side!


"BEBE aspires to possess the wisdom to take charge when facing numerous people in life. Stage 1 leans towards Uncle BEBE, and Stage 2 finds success in the Array game. Master these challenges to sharpen BEBE's wits and lead the way!

For detailed gameplay instructions, refer to each Stage's dedicated page.

Upgrade requires elixirs!

Once you've filled all the growth bars for a stage, it's time to level up, and for that, you'll need to burn the Glittering Elixir as you advance to the next stage. Keep those elixirs ready for a sparkling journey ahead!

Requirements for upgrade

  • Stage 1: 1 Glittering Elixir needed

  • Stage 2: 2 Glittering Elixirs needed

How to Acquire Glittering Elixirs

  • Users who donated to HAVAH Friends for VUVU Minting have already secured 1 Glittering Elixir. Well done!

  • Trade Glittering Elixirs listed on HAVAHswap MKP.

  • Acquire Glittering Elixirs through HVH Staking in Stage 3.

For detailed instructions, refer to the 'Stage 3' page.

Last updated


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